Overlord First Half Chapter 92: Negotiations Part 5

Negotiations Part 5

Translator: Frostfire10, Skythewood



 The six carraiges and the twenty knights arrived at the centre of the plains where the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick was.

 The knights and servants’ gazes were all on the person standing at the front of the log house, a beauty— Yuri Alpha. Three of the knights, three of the Four Knights got off the carriage. They all carried large shields, wielded halberds and were adorned in strong armour. Also Fluder’s disciples also disembarked.

 As everyone hurried about, the door that was supposed to be opened last was opened.

 Despite the step chair not being readied, the one who appeared was the person who was supposed to appear at the very end, the Emperor, Jircniv. Stopping the ones who were panicking to prepare the step chair with a wave, he jumped off.

 With a kind smile, he walked towards Yuri. Behind Jircniv was Fluder who also jumped off. If even the Emperor jumped off like that, he could not wait for the step chair.

Continue reading “Overlord First Half Chapter 92: Negotiations Part 5”

Overlord First Half Chapter 91: Negotiations Part 4

Hi Guys!!! Exams are over so I have a double chapter for you all 😀

Negotiations Part 4

Translator: Frostfire10



 After listening to the story, Demiurge closed his eyes. Ainz was panicking in his heart, but he spoke calmly and took care to prevent his worry from showing.

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Overlord First Half Chapter 90: Negotiations Part 3

Hi guys. I’m not dead 😀

Anyways, sorry for the late chapters, exam period for me now. Also, Overlord 13 was GRRREEEAAAAAt.

Also for all the PDF people. Go to chapters and scroll down.

Negotiations Part 3

Translators: Frostfire10

Editor: Greenfish



 More than one kilometre away from the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

 There was a small tent in the middle of the plains. Small, but large enough to fit three humans.

 The entrance to the tent was slightly ajar. A man peered through the gap at Nazarick with a pair of binoculars. His unmoving figure was almost like a doll. If his shoulders were not shifting up and down, it would not be strange for someone to actually think that.

 While taking long but shallow breathes, the man gazed intently at Nazarick. A voice spoke from within the tent.

Continue reading “Overlord First Half Chapter 90: Negotiations Part 3”

Overlord First Half Chapter 89: Negotiations Part 2

Hi guys, sorry for the late chapter. RL, also I hate this chapter. Alot. 

Negotiations Part 2

Translators: Frostfire10



 The surface of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

 What in the past was a poison swamp, had changed to a grassy plain. The wind blew across the plains, causing the grass to dance along. But a white alabaster wall suddenly broke up the scenery as it grew out from the grass.

 If one peeked through the gate, they would see a tomb that had several large statues of warriors scattered around.

 Considering that this was in grassland, it was a very strange scene. One would want to keep away from it for no reason, and it felt extremely discomforting.

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Overlord First Half Chapter 88: Negotiations Part 1

Hello peeps. We have just hit 1 million views on this blog! Wooooh *party popper sounds*. Thank you so much for your continuous support over the years and enjoy the chapter!

Negotiations Part 1

Translator: Frostfire10

Editors: Greenfish, Redbaron



 The 9th Floor of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick.

 This floor was unlike the others, the extravagance of the passageway alone surpassing that of any palace, lending a dreamy air to the surroundings. Such a place was being traversed by two people with unsuitably frantic footsteps.

 Anyone rushing in this place would be gazed upon with disdain and be chided, for this place is the private quarters of the rulers of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, the 41 Supreme Beings. There was no way that such an irrespectful act would be permitted in such an important location. If it were not an NPC but a simple subordinate, they might be sentenced to death.

 But this time, no one stopped the two people.

Continue reading “Overlord First Half Chapter 88: Negotiations Part 1”

Overlord First Half Chapter 87: Various Countries Part 5

I have successfully not pressured Greenfish into finishing 😀

On a more serious note, we apologise for the reallllllllllyyyyy late chapter. School life is busy. So yeah, we will try to get everything out as fast as we can. Considering that we are like 68% of the way through the story, look forward the rest.

Thanks for supporting us uptil now.

Various Countries Part 5

Translators: Frostfire10



 There was a giant surface of water in the room.

 No, it would not be accurate to call it a room. Surrounded by white circular alabaster pillars supporting entablature with finely detailed friezes, such a mysterious and solemn place was worthy to be called a temple.

 The floor was polished marble, its continuity broken by a set of steps heading down into the water located near the centre of the room. You could call it a pool inside the temple, even though it was just a square area ten metres in length.

 Moonlight shone right through the ceilingless construction, reflecting in the water and making it glow palely. Not only the water, the walls and floor were illuminated by the gentle radiance as well, making the whole place shine. Thus while there were no torches, everything was blindingly bright.

 A slight wind flowed between the round pillars in this mysterious room.

Continue reading “Overlord First Half Chapter 87: Various Countries Part 5”

Overlord First Half Chapter 86: Various Countries Part 4

Hello, everyone. Here is the double release 🙂 YAY.

Also let us welcome……. What was her name again. Yes! Redbaron. Let us welcome Redbaron to the team. *clap clap*.

She is also a good friend of mine in real life and I can also chase her 😀

Various Countries Part 4

Translators: Frostfire10, Skythewood

Editors: Redbaron, Greenfish



 Jircniv Rune Farlord El Nix. Inside the office of the Empire’s young Emperor, the man feared as the Blood Emperor, several people lined up and performed their work in silence.

 As they normally would.

Continue reading “Overlord First Half Chapter 86: Various Countries Part 4”

Overlord First Half Chapter 85: Various Countries Part 3

Hi everyone. Sorry for the late chapter. Greenfish really wanted to release double chapters so he waited until I finished 86. Look forward to that.

Also shout out to Mr M.Z. for being another kind donater. Please tell me if you don’t mind me showing your last name. Thanks for that:)

Various Countries Part 3

Translators: Frostfire10, Skythewood

Editor: Greenfish



 Gazef Stronoff silently gazed at the scene outside the premium glass window of the palace.

 There were three carriages leaving the palace.

 The slowly moving carriage leading the cavalcade was of excellent make and was well designed. There were four well-groomed horses at the harness. The crest of the royal family was engraved together with fine designs on its side.

 It was a well crafted item made to show-off the power of the royal family.

Continue reading “Overlord First Half Chapter 85: Various Countries Part 3”

Overlord First Half Chapter 84: Gaiden: Do Your Best Enri-san Part 5

Last chapter of the Gaiden. And I know it’s late but happy Chinese New Year!

Gaiden: Do Your Best Enri-san Part 5

Translator: Frostfire10

Editor: Greenfish



 The E-Rantel adventuring party the [Axe of Cyclone] walked silently in a line across the road concealed by the grass.

 The reason why they were walking in formation despite being in a location in which they had a clear view of their surroundings was probably a bad habit of their occupation. Other such bad habits included walking around in town in full plate armour and being equipped with their weapons even in inns.

 While it was not exactly for defence, not letting their guard down even in an open space was the correct thing to do for adventurers. However, walking down a safe road without any obstructions in total silence as if it were natural was very mentally grating. They were not compelled to hold a conversation. However proceeding onwards while constantly being in such a state of caution somehow seemed wrong.

 And the ranger of the Axe of Cyclone who was walking in front, Lukrut, was also thinking the same thing. Lukrut turned around and talked to his companions.

Continue reading “Overlord First Half Chapter 84: Gaiden: Do Your Best Enri-san Part 5”

Overlord First Half Chapter 83: Gaiden: Do Your Best Enri-san! Part 4

That was fast.

Gaiden: Do Your Best Enri-san! Part 4

Translator: Frostfire10

Editor: Greenfish



 After two days, the wall of Carne Village where Enri was born came into sight. Seeing it’s large and thick shadow made one think that it was a strong iron wall, but Enri could not help but to think that it was inferior to E-Rantel’s.

Continue reading “Overlord First Half Chapter 83: Gaiden: Do Your Best Enri-san! Part 4”